Collapsus is an intriguing game that blends interactivity, animation, fiction and documentary. By blending real documentary footage with with smaller games and fragments of movies, Collapsus pushes the boundaries of gaming by blending multiple media formats into one comprehensive game. One of the things I really liked about Collapsus was the idea that it allows you to make your own decisions, like a role playing game, and even to choose your own perspectives in each scenario. The player has to interact with others to avoid further catastrophes, such as blackouts and energy-related problems, in the future. Also, the player has to listen to advice from experts before making these decisions, something we will have to do in real life as we obtain jobs in the media industry. I also liked how the game's trans-media concepts also apply to situations we might actually face in the near future. For example, the energy crisis is a topic we hear about in the media almost every day, and a solution to the problem is something many people have been searching for vigorously for years. Alternative energy is more popular than ever before, and therefore, the creators of the game did an excellent job of combining entertainment with real-life, relevant current issues. In my opinion, the game is very effective as a tool for trans-media concepts. As stated earlier, the game blends multiple formats of media in an innovative, entertaining way. Additionally, the concepts behind the game are relevant to real life and more specifically, relevant to real life right now, as solutions to the energy crisis and alternative forms of energy fill news headlines more than ever before.
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